Create your Remarkable Life
using the steps I took to transform mine

Step One-Dream- 

When we are kids we believe anything is possible. Eventually we discover that we have limitations and realise that not everything is possible. But what many of us miss is that our limitations actually direct us TO the things we were created for. I'm not athletic, therefore I will never be a professional athlete. This limitation can feel like failure if I focus on what I cannot do. But if I shift my focus to what I can do, no matter how insignificant it may seem, that's where we discover our giftings and what we are actually capable of. 

I'm just a small town girl with a big mouth who married a farmer. No one would have looked at me growing up and said "that one-she's going to do great things"! But somewhere along the line, I learned that my voice and my story are the greatest gift I have. And I'm learning how to use them, to make this life better for those around me. 

The other day, while riding in the tractor with my farmer, we both thanked God for the remarkable life we've created, with His guidance.

Get a vision for the life you want. What do you want your home to feel like? Scrap the IG and "pinterest vibes" who cares what your home looks like if it feels like a prison for anyone living in it?

Surround yourself with people who support your dream

Take care of your mind
Personal and Professional Growth: Mindset
I took a lot of flack for this. crab trap Law of environment....

Take care of your body

Take care of your relationships