Do you need a fresh vision for your life?

Do you feel like you are in a rut and wonder how you'll ever get out?

Do you ever ask, is this as good as it gets?

Do you feel restless or discontent?

Are you tired of spinning in circles, putting out fires as they come and just barely getting through the day?

Do you feel like something is missing? ... Like maybe you've done something wrong or maybe you are just settling. 

I'm about to share this biggest thing that has helped me get out of the trap of aimlessness.

Vision is the first step. With even the simplest of tasks, one always makes a plan. If you are going to the grocery store you, at the very least, will know how to get there and what you need to get. Yet so many of us wonder through life without a plan. Surely your life is more important than a trip to the store!

But with all the business of the day to day we can get sucked into a votex of the mundane. Just trying to stay on top of laundry, making meals and getting the kids to their swim lesson on time. In this vortex we can lose sight of what really matters to us.
But when we have a vision for our life, we make decisions based on what matters to us rather than just reacting to our current environment and circumstances.

For example, your teenager comes to you asking if they can join the club volleyball team, "all their friends are playing on the team" and you don't want them to miss out on any opportunities.  You look at the calendar and with a sigh decide you can probably fit it in. At this point it feels easier to say yes than to disappoint your teenager and deal with them moping around.

Now, to be clear, club volleyball may be something that does align with your values. It very well might be something that is good for you and your family. You get to spend intentional time with your teenager, driving them to games and practices. They get to stay active and learn new skills. They may have a coach who is a really positive influence. If this is the case for you, then this is likely a good choice for you. 

However, what if this activity takes away from time with the family. What if you value home cooked meals with the whole family, but this activity means you'll be on the road, eating fast food while the rest of the family warms up a frozen pizza two or three days a week. 

When ever you say yes to one thing you are automatically saying no to something else. This is why vision is so important. When faced with any decision, we need to ask ourselves, does this bring me closer to the vision I have for myself and my family, or does it bring me further from it?

Book a vision casting session
What is vision casting?

If I were you, I'd be suspicious, what exactly is vision casting? 

It's pretty simple really. In vision casting I ask you questions that will help you discover and protect what you value most. 

With your values in mind, together we can create a vision, a road map for where you want to go this year. 

Then, I will help you uncover what obstacles are getting in your way .

Lastly, I will help you build a plan for overcoming those obstacles so you can move forward confidently.

The best part? 100% of the proceeds from your Vision Casting meeting will go to supporting women in need. 

Utilizing the tools I will share with you, I was able to break free from the rut I was in. I was able to build a successful supplemental income from home and from there I was able to go on to establish a pregnancy care center in my community. Today with the help of Amber's Hope Maternity Home, we are expanding this mission to provide housing to women and families in crisis. I am committed to helping see this vision become a reality. 

Here is how it will work:

1) You make a minimum $97 donation to Amber's Hope Maternity home
2) Send me a screenshot of proof of your donation
3) Book your vision casting appointment


Do you want ongoing support and accountability this year? I am offering 1 Vision Casting Session as well as 5 bi-monthly follow up appointments (30-45 minutes each)
1) Make a minimum $497 donation to Amber's Hope Maternity home
2) Send me a screenshot of proof of your donation
3) Book your vision casting appointments

*** these appointments will be offered on a first come, first serve basis. I will close this offer once my calendar is filled.

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the other side of trauma

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Mother's Day can be hard! With all the busyness of life, hopeful expectations, and any other grief we may be carrying, a day that is meant for celebration can become painful. This week I was sorting through my feelings about the day. Trying to set healthy expectations for myself and others, during a very busy time of year for us farmers. 

Here's what I noticed

1. There were a few things I needed to let go of. Things I needed to give myself space to grieve. And there were fears that I needed to shake off. 

2. There were things I needed to ask for. I took time to think about what I actually wanted for this weekend and express those desires. (I plan to take my mom to the greenhouse on Saturday and then we plan to go to the lake on Sunday, it's supposed to be beautiful!)

3. I needed to give myself permission to have joy in this season. This was something I didn't even realize until something beautiful happened You may think this is a coincidence, but I would call it a gift from my  Heavenly Father. TWO days in a row, two separate people prayed for me and both shared the image of a duck shaking off water. Have you ever seen this? It's truly one of the cutest things ever. They shake their little tails and the water flies off in every direction. I don't think there's a person alive who can see this and not feel JOY in their heart.  

For me this image is two-fold. 

First, shaking off the fear. I'm discovering that all the most painful things in life are rooted in fear. 

Second, embracing joy. I don't think we can hold joy and fear at the same time. We have to let go of the fear before we can hold the joy. When I heard that prayer yesterday, it struck me that this prayer was a gift from God, for me. And if you are reading this, it's for you too. Be blessed this Mother's Day, my friend <3 


Only moms want to talk about constipation, and no one wants to deal with it, but it’s a common issue that affects many children. If your child is dealing with constipation, you know how uncomfortable and cranky it can make them feel. As a first time mom, my 6 month old had a lot of trouble when we introduce dairy to her diet. 13 years later, her little sister has similar issues. It's heartbreaking and frustrating because they are not themselves. It can be confusing if you don't know what's going on. For both of my girls, they were sweet as pie.... until they got backed up! Then the whole house was walking on eggshells until they pooped and we could all breath again. Fortunately, there are some helpful strategies that you can use to get your little one back on track. Here are some tips for helping kids with constipation.
Increase Fiber Intake
One of the best ways to help your child with constipation is to increase their fiber intake. Fiber helps move food through the digestive tract more quickly and prevents stools from becoming hard and dry. Aim to feed your child foods that are high in fiber like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and beans. Find out what fruit and veggies are your child's favourites and be sure to keep them on hand and offer them often. Cucumbers and peppers are popular in our home. In the winter, when fruit is not in season, I like to buy frozen raspberries and blueberries. My kids will eat them frozen or in a smoothy. Some people find Fiber supplements like Metamucil or Benefiber helpful but they never really worked well for us.

Drink More Water
Making sure your child stays hydrated is also very important when dealing with constipation. Water helps keep stool soft so it can pass through the intestines more easily. Encourage your child to drink plenty of water throughout the day and avoid sugary beverages like soda or juice as these can make things worse by dehydrating them even more.

Encourage Exercise
Exercise is another great way to help reduce constipation in children as physical activity stimulates the digestive system and encourages regular bowel movements. Aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day—a bike ride around the neighborhood or playing tag in the basement are both great options!  For little ones, tummy massage may also help. Massage the tummy gently, in a clockwise motion.
If these options don't quite cut it for you, you may need to take some extra steps to support your little ones tummy. Both of my girls have benefited greatly from introducing pro-biotics, digestive enzymes and essential oils.

ClickHerefor my Mom's Tummy Checklist

Constipation can be an unpleasant problem for kids that often leads to tears and tantrums, (both mom and kid) but there are some simple strategies you can use to help them feel better fast. Increasing their fiber intake, making sure they stay well-hydrated, and encouraging exercise are all great ways to help ease their discomfort and get their bowels moving again. With a few small changes and extra snuggles from you, your little one will be feeling better in no time!


I saw this image the other day and it hit me smack between the eyes. I had been asking for direction on how to balance all the things, making meals for a family of 6, sorting the piles of laundry, planning youth group for my oldest, dance for my youngest, and birthday parties for both my sons, volunteering in the community and then there's my work: the never ending emails, the work plans and schedules, goal setting and team building. For years I've been seeking to figure out how to balance it all because,

All of it matters. 

I can't just cut out the things that I don't love to do. All of these things need to be done.

By nature, some of us are “go with the flow” kinda people. We find plans rather restrictive and we  are not great at time management. I actually set a timer for 5 minutes the other day, for the kids to finish their video game, and when it went off, I was like 


no wonder I'm usually late! For people like us,  living in surrender, actually comes more naturally.
It’s easy for me to say things like

 “if it doesn’t work out, it’s not meant to”


But the trap of living in this state of surrender is CHAOS. Tell me I’m wrong.

A few years ago I was told that what I needed to do was to learn skills and discipline, that this would give me peace. And there are some major skills that have helped me immensely as a wife, a mother, a business owner and a human. (here's one) My home is more organized, my kids have a better idea about what is going on each day and no longer live at the whims of their mother… mostly. 

But the trap of living in this state of discipline striving and exhaustion. Tell me I’m wrong.

Have you ever found yourself, like me, waffling between chaos and striving? The problem is, we need both.

We need both Discipline & Surrender. 

When we have one without the other surrender looks and feels like chaos.

And discipline looks and feels like striving and exhaustion.

and peace is OUT OF REACH!

But when we bring them together, when we are both disciplined and surrendered, this is where we find peace. 

And this is where we being to see miracles in our home and business!