I saw this image the other day and it hit me smack between the eyes. I had been asking for direction on how to balance all the things, making meals for a family of 6, sorting the piles of laundry, planning youth group for my oldest, dance for my youngest, and birthday parties for both my sons, volunteering in the community and then there's my work: the never ending emails, the work plans and schedules, goal setting and team building. For years I've been seeking to figure out how to balance it all because,
All of it matters.
I can't just cut out the things that I don't love to do. All of these things need to be done.
By nature, some of us are “go with the flow” kinda people. We find plans rather restrictive and we are not great at time management. I actually set a timer for 5 minutes the other day, for the kids to finish their video game, and when it went off, I was like
By nature, some of us are “go with the flow” kinda people. We find plans rather restrictive and we are not great at time management. I actually set a timer for 5 minutes the other day, for the kids to finish their video game, and when it went off, I was like
no wonder I'm usually late! For people like us, living in surrender, actually comes more naturally.
It’s easy for me to say things like “if it doesn’t work out, it’s not meant to”
It’s easy for me to say things like “if it doesn’t work out, it’s not meant to”
But the trap of living in this state of surrender is CHAOS. Tell me I’m wrong.
A few years ago I was told that what I needed to do was to learn skills and discipline, that this would give me peace. And there are some major skills that have helped me immensely as a wife, a mother, a business owner and a human. (here's one) My home is more organized, my kids have a better idea about what is going on each day and no longer live at the whims of their mother… mostly.
But the trap of living in this state of discipline striving and exhaustion. Tell me I’m wrong.

We need both Discipline & Surrender.
When we have one without the other surrender looks and feels like chaos.
And discipline looks and feels like striving and exhaustion.
and peace is OUT OF REACH!
But when we bring them together, when we are both disciplined and surrendered, this is where we find peace.
And this is where we being to see miracles in our home and business!