3 things:
yes, it is totally normal to feel the way you are feeling.
no, you will not always feel this way.
yes, it will get easier!
You are dealing with some of the hardest things you have ever faced
Hard things are a part of life. And the beautiful thing about the hard things is that they have the ability to develop beauty and wisdom and strength in us.
This, however, is a choice. We have all seen people who have been through hard things who are bitter and angry and miserable to be around. Is that who you want to become? I'm going to assume that if you are here you desire more than that for yourself and your family.
Can you see how this may help you when dealing with the hard things you are facing? Let me break it down for you.
I recognize that this isn't easy. You are not dealing with easy things. I can almost hear you saying, "ya but Katherine, you don't know what I'm dealing with"
You're right, I don't. But you said you didn't want to be bitter and miserable right? So this is where you make the choice to focus on what you want to see and think and feel, rather than all the negative things you already are thinking and feeling.

When you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you beat stress:
Grab your Free Self Care Guide
Grab your Complete & Empowered Real Self Care workbook
I believe we were created to enjoy our lives, not just endure them.
So today I encourage you to shut off the media, all media. Turn off the screens and allow your mind to rest. Allow your body to slow down. Allow yourself to enjoy this weekend. This will enable you to enter into next week rested and ready to fight the battles, feed the people, clean the things, to do the work you were created to do, and enjoy it, not just bare it.
- spend a little extra time the day before cleaning so that there's less pressure to clean on your rest day
- unplug from screens and media
- play a game
- read
- eat simple meals or eat left-overs
- if you must clean, stick to the basics, clearing the table, running the dishwasher
- plan a nap if possible
- spend time outside

When you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you beat stress:
Grab your Free Self Care Guide
Grab your Complete & Empowered Real Self Care workbook

When you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you beat stress:
Grab your Free Self Care Guide
Grab your Complete & Empowered Real Self Care workbook